Let me introduce myself
Welcome to my web/blogging site. I hope you find the blogs interesting and useful.
I'm not primarily a blogger, instead as you'll see from my profile, I'm a learning and engagement museum/culture professional. I love working with organisations to better and more widely share our heritage with people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. This includes developing and delivering curriculum-linked and leisure learning, creating material which supports these, researching and producing interpretation, and running projects. I've worked with museums, galleries, theatres, local authorities, charities, community groups, and schools so I know about the constraints and opportunities in these sectors.
I'm passionate about improving inclusivity and to this end offer training and practical advice on disability access. This can include the visitor welcome, retail, exhibitions, interactives, shows/events, school workshops, outreach and staff/volunteer recruitment. I offer introductory in-person and live online training on disability access generally and on autistic access specifically. I also provide site assessments for autism and sensory needs, make recommendations, and devise bespoke resources such as visual stories and activity plans.
Please email 1jogillam@gmail.com for further information on any of these aspects of my work. I'd be delighted to discuss how I could help you.